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Lebanese Crunch Salads

Course 1 - LCS1  


Learn how to make:


  • Authentic Lebanese “Tabbouli”.

  • Authentic Lebanese “Fattouch”.

  • Zaatar with Rocca Salad.

  • “Shanklish” – Fermented Cheese Salad.

  • Dandelion with “Kishk” – “Hindbeh” with “Kishk”.

  • Yoghurt and Cucumber Salad.

  • Artichoke Salad.

  • Dandelion with Beetroot – “Hindbeh” with “Chmandar”


Price: $60 - Including full detailed receipe leaflet.


Book Your Seat

Tel: 961-3-602949  |  Email:


Learn how to make eight authentic Lebanese salads that are healthy, filling and bursting with flavors that delight any meal of the day.  
Season your way through a mixture of local herbs and vegetables with Lamina who will be your guide as you build a “Shanklish” bowl with the right mixture of tomatoes and anions, use Dandelion to prepare an easy salad with great savors to taste. Discover new techniques for achieving the best “Tabbouli” and “Fattouch” in town.
This one session will make every day cooking a little easier and a lot healthier with delectable salads that will fill you up and please your palate.

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